Multiracial Democracy Review Committee
Ad hoc Committee for the Funding Initiative on Multiracial Democracy
A two-person ad hoc committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation reviews Multiracial Democracy applications and makes funding recommendations to the Research Board. Committee members are research-active scholars who have been nominated through the coordinated effort of this office and on the advice of current and departing members of the ad hoc committee. The ad hoc committee appointment is for one year. The committee meets four times annually, corresponding to the four annual submission deadlines.
Reviewers are chosen from the Campus Research Board’s database of potential reviewers, recommendations given on the application form, and faculty members the subcommittee members know to have expertise in the subject. Three peer reviews are sought. Reviewers are provided access to a copy of the complete proposal and the Campus Research Board’s criteria for evaluation of projects. Reviewers then return their evaluations to the subcommittee.
The ad hoc makes a recommendation to the full Board based on the peer reviewers’ evaluations and their own judgment.
Samantha Frost - Political Science
Ex Officio
Kevin Hamilton, Executive Officer, Campus Research Board