Research Support Awards Policies
Research Support Awards Policies
Journal Articles
Scientists and Social Scientists may now submit requests to the Campus Research Board to offset journal publication fees. Applications are subject to standard Campus Research Board rigorous review. Applying does not guarantee funding support.
Scholars seeking translating support associated with their research may now apply to the Campus Research Board. PIs must make an argument for the intervention the work will make in their field. The PI and/or RA must be the translators. Those conducted by third parties will have to be considered on a case by case basis. Per Campus Research Board policy, research support awards do not pay faculty salaries. Note: Applications will be subject to standard Campus Research Board rigorous review. Applying does not guarantee funding support.
Funds Disclosure Policy
The Research Board considers applicants’ requests in relation to their current research funding support, both internal and external.
Internal Funds
The Board asks applicants to describe their available internal research support both to understand the resources that applicants can leverage and also to make decisions in the context of investments that the University has already made. Applicants are expected to describe university funds that they have discretion to use in support of their research programs. Such a description should include:
- Approximate total of currently available funds from start-up packages and/or other allocations from departments or other campus units that support the applicant’s research.
- Approximate total of currently available funds from academic appointments (e.g., research funds associated with administrative positions or named faculty positions) that have been awarded to support individual faculty research.
Please note that the Board will not normally award funds to applicants whose available internal discretionary funds exceed twice the amount requested from the Campus Research Board. Exceptions to this policy can be made in cases of clear need (e.g., if the current discretionary funds are already committed elsewhere). Applicants who wish to be granted an exception to the discretionary funds policy must provide a detailed explanation for why funding is needed in the Internal Funding section of the application. Any request for an exception should include a description of how all current discretionary funds are otherwise committed.
External Funds
The Board is also interested in understanding applicants’ requests in relationship to their current portfolios of external funding. Existing external funds do not typically reduce the possibility of Research Board funding as long as the request to the Board is distinct from work that is already funded externally. Indeed, the Board is very interested in the relationship of applicants’ requests both to their existing external funding and to their potential to secure future funding.
The Board has an expectation that applicants will make a good faith effort to report the approximate amount of their currently available research funding. Significant lapses in reporting may affect future Research Board funding and may also constitute a violation of the campus’ Research Integrity policy.
Existing Funds Disclosure and Application Review
Applications that do not adhere to the existing funds disclosure policy will not be sent for peer review.
Effective July 2016. Recommended by Campus Research Board; Approved by Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research
Funding Limit
PIs and co-PIs cannot receive more than $30,000 of funding from the Campus Research Board within any two-year period from the PI's project start date.
Effective January 2016. Recommended by Campus Research Board; Approved by Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research
Limit on Number of Submissions
Any individual, whether PI or co-PI, is allowed to submit only one application per funding round.
Effective January 2016. Recommended by Campus Research Board; Approved by Peter Schiffer, Vice Chancellor for Research
Deficit CFOP Balance
If a deficit balance remains on a CFOP 45 days past the expiration date the PI will not be eligible to apply for new funding from the Campus Research Board until the deficit is cleared.